Great Choice! You will love your AQ, I guarantee it. Season it well by starting with a medium-sized pork butt for a several-hour smoke, then go crazy smoking everything you like! Give yourself many opportunities to try different meats, woods, smoke temperatures, cook durations, etc. What I love about my AQ is that after the first 30 minutes of a cook it locks into the set temperature and doesn't deviate more than a degree or two for the duration. Truly set and walk away. And when the product is done, the internal temp shown by the CS probe (if you choose that route) is no more than 5 degrees different than the temp by a thermopen from the same area of the meat. One caution - the 140 degree "hold" feature after the probe temp is exceeded is not very useful. The product will continue to cook while the smoker cools down and will probably exceed your doneness requirement, by the time you get to it. I recommend you do not depend on that feature to save you from overcooking. Have fun, and report back, fellow AQ user!