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The oven is a Quentisential Oven. I found this on Craigslist up here in Vermont and could'nt pass it up. It is a very simple unit, there is a slide damper on the front of the firebox and that is all the control you get. Trying to keep temp below 300 you will need a smaller fire. But if you want a pizza oven it works great. Wife is doing a shepards pie in it this evening. Do a google on it you will find info. I used a tractor to put in place as it wieghs over 500 lbs so keep that in mind.
I actually use the pellet grill more than the oven unless I need a longer cooking time. and do not use a nice cassarole dish in it as it will come out very black and wifey didn't like that and you will have to beg for forgiveness...
If you have further questions send a private e-mail and I will answer them.
Nordy, I hope you don't mind but could you tell me the footprint dimension for just your BBQ Hut?

I've been planning the same kind of idea and yours has spurred me on. I like that there's 3 columns across the back and 2 in front.

Also, are you happy with the size? Does it keep everything dry in the rain? Would you do the same again, or bigger, smaller?

I wonder how far across the front you can go without a column in the middle?
It's framed with 6x6 rough cedar...

Roughly 16 x 8 feet...

I like the size for our deck/area, but if the area would tolerate it better I would go more like 16 x 10-12ish. That size just wouldn't have fit/looked right with my configuration.

The extra 2-4 feet would allow a little more room to put a bar/counter on the "near" side in the picture... It can (and probably will eventually) be done as is, but it'll be a smaller bar and not as "weatherproof" as it would be with the extra space.

As far as size... With reasonable rain everything stays pretty dry... in Oklahoma we usually get pretty good wind with rain, and taht will blow water everywhere. Overall though, I've been pretty surprised at how dry it stays under there.

No idea how far you could go without a column... these beams are really stout, but I'm sure the roof weighs a lot too!

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