Hi Mike,
Just thought I'd throw my two bits into this Brisket conversation. I cook flats most of the time and they turn out just fine. I buy them at the local Sam's Club because they are NOT trimmed. Lots of fat cap. I've purchased them at the Sam's on Manchester and Barrett Station Road and more recently at the new Sam's on Big Bend Road and I44 because that's just a hop from where we live in Webster Groves. I usually purchase the ones that weigh from 5 to 6 pounds. I don't mess much with those little ones.
As to wood, I use oak and hickory. Mainly because my brother in law owns a farm just outside of Perryville. Those two woods are native to that area and he graciously supplies me with what I need.
I cook them to an internal of 185, remove from smoker, wrap in foil, then in a large Turkish towel , then let them rest in a cooler (sans the ice of course) for about an hour or until it's chow time.
Other that that I can't help you much because I'm still cooking on an offset and have had no experience with a CS. I still keep looking and thinking about one but just haven't taken the plunge yet. Maybe you can kick start me in the right direction. LOL