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I'm wondering if any of you have encountered this:

Several times (probably 4-5x) during a long cook this weekend, everything was going fine with temps and all, and then my FEC-100 starts billowing out smoke like crazy. I open up and take a look. Once I get past all of the acrid smoke, I find that there is no longer a fire in the box, only a large pile of smoldering pellets. I scoop out a some of the pellets and a fire starts up again. I'm worried that if I don't take out the smoldering pellets that all of that excess smoke is going to make my meat bitter. I have only had this problem recently. By way of background, a few weeks ago I had a fire that I luckily caught before it did any permanent damage to my cooker. We did have to open up the panel and hit the reset button, however.

On this last cook I also had to hit the reset button after a few hours of cooking. I have no idea why, since I didn't have a fire and it didn't seem to overheat. I chalked it up to a glitch, but maybe it wasn't. Have any of you experienced anything like this?

Thanks for your help.

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I've had my high limit switch trip a couple of times, but it hasn't happened recently. I've had one fire that burned out the bottom door gasket when I overloaded chicken leg quarters, but I didn't know it had happened until after it was already out, and I was cleaning up. It didn't trip the reset.

From what you've described, I would think a problem with the fan or air flow from the fan to the fire pot. Give Cookshack a call. They're the experts, and based on customer feedback they may already have an answer.

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