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TD Tom,

Interesting, haven't heard that theory of SR. Appreciate the ideas.

If you're getting a brisket in 4 hours at 210, then you're doing a small flat. Also make mentioned of what you're cooking and the weight.

Problem though, part of the thread is people doing it for a contest. In a contest, you don't have that long to do it.

Would be interesting next summer to do a side by side test to see if it does any differnt (one dried, one not). Part of what may be happening is the salt in the rub (is there any?) is curing the outside.

Curing the meat is actually what causes the SR.
Originally posted by Pags:
Tenderquick in the rub? Don't all FE's produce a smoke ring?

Pags, don't get us started, there are plenty of SR threads in the FE forum if you want to get into the messy details.

It's a technique issue more than anything because of how Pellet Smokers work.
Last edited by Former Member

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