At the beginning of Albacore Tuna season in So. Cal. (June) I purchased a Smokette after looking at hundreds of different smokers (I never smoked before). After getting over the initial sticker shock, it was the best investment I ever made. I checked all around for a brine receipe, and although the website was helpful, none were Tuna specific, settled on one from a local fishing retailer. Brine fish overnight, put hickory in the box, use an external therm. with wire through vent hole (pick that tip up on forum), set smoker at 200 degrees, set fish therm. at 160 degrees. Open a few beers and in about 1 1/2 hours have the best smoked alborcore in the world!!! I have friends who have water smokers bring their fish over to be smoked because of the way the smokette does it thing. Long story, but it does an unbelievable job, Any suggestions for smoking fish would be appreciated. Albacore have shut down for the season, now will focus on smoking beef and poultry.
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