I Smoked 4 picnics last weekin the 08. all were around 8 1/2 lbs. It seems there was a little controversy about skin up or down. the 1st two were cooked skin up on center shelf, @ 225*. they took 19 1/2 hours to reach 198 deg. they pulled good, but were a little dry. the other 2 were done w/skin side down. They were pulled @ 14 1/2 hours @ 196 deg. These were very moist, great flavor. I assume the 5 hour less cooking time contributed to the degree of moistness, but do you think skin side down would cause them to cook that much faster?? or could it be the variation in the meat. Each roast had its own temp probe, & read 3 deg of each other, so I dont think it was a probe placement issue.
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