NJ-Pony you must have smelled it from your house!

Thats what I did, I actually had a 7lb picnic, bone in, in the freezer. I injected it with a litte Apple Juice and garlic puree that I made in the food processor, then covered with CS Rib Rub. Put it in the smokette at 8:30PM Saturday night, with some hickory. Let er rip until about 2:30 the next afternoon (cooked it mostly @ 200 overnight, and 225 when i got up in the A.M.) Foiled it until about 4:30 in the cooler and it was awsome! shredded it and used some CS BBQ sauce on cheap buns with some slaw... AWSOME! well, one thing I can say is that the Smokette ain't goin back! I got it on thursday and cooked in it 3 times so far! I think my weber's getting jealous! Thanks for all your help guys and gals, i had three weeks from the time I ordered, until it arrived, and I must have read every post on this board, and Okie will be happy to know I read all the 101's! big help, the forums are what made me decide on this product, and i'm glad i did!