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Your post reads like it's a set time and a set temp, but you just can't smoke that way. You have to check at the end of your time and determine if they're done. If they're not, cook them longer.

As I often say

It's done when it's done

That just means you need to determine when they're done, it's never on a specific time.

You didn't say if they were spares or BB's?

Fall off the bone is actually overcooking. Not a bad thing, just means you need to cook them longer than a lot of suggested times (unless they tell you that it's for fall off the bone).

When I do my competition ribs, 275 for 4 hours, they're not fall off the bone (SPARES) they're "tug off the bone" so when you bite into them, the meat comes off.

I have trying to cut fall off the bone, they're too tender (but I know how to cut them -- with a Super Sharp knife)

Use the new forum search feature and read about ribs, there are a LOT of tips. Try the rib archive or the "best of" archive.

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