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I just purchased a cs smoker and am attempting my first brisket today.Unfortunately, I purchased my brisket before reading brisket 101 - it is trimmed and only 3.3lbs. How can I keep it from drying out? Will setting the heat a little lower than 225 help? How about covering it with bacon or lard? (Lard sounds gross to me, but I don't want my brisket to have a bacon taste) Any reponses would be appreciated.
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hey, cesully. 3.3 lbs. don't do it, dude!!

Big Grin

You are in TX, man!! The little trimmed one will not work out. just won't. go to the store and either get a big untrimmed cryo flat, at least 5-6 lbs, or a whole packer brisket. that way, you'll have a good experience (and meal) first time out.
...........or you can put the tiny brisket on one shelf and a big Boston butt on the shelf above it. The fat butt dripping bastes your skinny brisket. (Sounds vulgar? Ain't my fault).

But, be careful. That's two kinds of meat; a form of DNA recombination going on in there among the smoke and vapor. Open the CS door and out hops a jackalope... Cool
I have had my smokette almsost a month now, If you cook a brisket flat it's just gonna be somewhat dry. I have a 13 pounder in seasoning right now, that will cook saturday night. I had to show my wife the difference a few years ago on how to buy a brisket, and not buy the super lean no fat attached flat. You might try to cook to about 170 degrees, it will be moist and most likely a little tough though or you can go on to the more done setting and then use a beef broth baste or a real wet cue sauce.

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