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Im a new member and i gotta question about amoking chicken. I smoked me a chicken with mesquite at about 225-250 degrees for about 4 hours. The chicken came out super-licious and very tender. But the skin was as black as my smoker and very crusty. For presentation sake how can i prevent it from getting so black yet cook my chicken tender?
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Hi chingao,

What do you mean by 4 logs? Chicken would probably take 2oz of wood or perhaps even a little less, depending on the number of them in the load and your taste for smoke.

Try again with the cheesecloth as Tom suggested. Start with a small amount wood and check the chicken when the CS stops smoking. If it doesn't look smokey enough, you can always add another chunk. Just remember, every time you open the smoker, you increase the cooking time.

That's my two cents worth,


what kind of smoker are you using? Sounds like a log burner not a Cookshack.

Sounds like your getting a lot of soot from the logs burning. I wouldn't throw the chicken in until the smoke isn't black/dark anymore. Even though you won't see it, but clear/white smoke is better for smoking as it's not carrying the impurities.


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