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Just ordered an Amerique smoker. Purchased two books to start out. Read where I need to season it. Any advice on that? Also, Suggestions on what to cook first time? One person said to start with small batches in case you ruin it. Sounds like good advice! I'm worried about using too much wood. Lots to learn at first. Is it best to just dive in and learn from mistakes? Appreciate any advice!
Original Post
Welcome to the forum, Mark.

The absolute best thing you can do is read this forum. Begin with Lessons for New Users. Then, a must read is SmokinOkies BBQ Guide and the 101s.

next, learn to use the "find" function near the top when you have questions. I suppose there are a few topics that have not been discussed, but few and far between.

Toss about 6 oz of wood in your AQ and set the temp on 250 and let er rip for 4-6 hours.

First smoke should be a fatty piece of meat like a pork butt, very forgiving cut & tasty as well.

Keep it simple and learn your smoker .

Tons of advice & great folks here to help you when you need it.

Good luck & have fun with your new toy! Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz

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