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Is there a list of good smoking woods available?

I'm wondering about a couple of woods that are very plentiful on my property other than oak.

We have a lot of what we call Pepperwood. It is also called California Bay, Calif or Oregon Myrtle. Leaves are very pungent.. ESPECIALLY when green..

Another I see a lot of is Acacia.. I believe it is a relative of Mesquite.. but not sure.

Thanks.. Bill
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I saw a list of wood and what it flavors best on I believe acacia was a good one, but don't think we have it in Florida. I know citrus wood is great with chicken and would probably be wonderful with fish. I would think bay would be good, if that's like bay that you use the leaves for stews and such. I've always heard not to use resinous wood like pine and such. Stay away from the evergreens. But fruit producing trees and nut producing trees should be safe. Pecan shells are great for smoking too. I wonder about avocado pits????
Thanks for the replies.. Doing a bird sounds ok to me.. just didn't want to off flavor the box.. the bay / myrtle, etc.. have oils that could create a problem which is why I asked. Eucalyptus also has oils and an aeromatic wood.. so,.. guess I'll give it a go.. BUT the dang CS seems to be stuck in Reno area.. Frowner
Did you look up the site i mentioned? They had a terrific list of woods and what they were good with. You do have to search a bit on the site.

OK, Tom, I couldn't figure out if the yardbird was a sprinkler or what? I wondered why you'd need a sprinkler. As I am somewhat BBQ challenged, that's why Jack cooks and I participate....
Yes, I did look up these sites for help. That's what I was looking for. I have a lot of woods available..

Now, the question is.. do I use these woods for smoking or for woodcarving and woodturning projects. Hmmm.. Use the big pieces for the projects and the leftover pieces for smoking.

Thanks again, Bill
This bay produces some sort of fruit.. if you will.. kinda like a nut..

Thanks again for all the help.. I'm on the road for two months.. currently in Colorado.. Grand Junction.. headed for Creede.... bum around for another few weeks and head for W.Yellowstone.. then on to Boise area for a few days.. then on to home.. I'll then try some of the bay and let everyone know how it turns out.

2greyhounds.. I haven't tried dogs yet.. but I'll keep you in mind. Are you part of the Greyhound Rescue groups? I thought of adopting one once...

We adopted a greyhound, Moose, he's a big old guy, from Greyhounds As Pets in Jacksonville. He's a retired racer who was pretty outstanding.
We had him for a month and decided to take him back to the kennel to see if we could get him a buddy. They are somewhat pack-like. He picked out our sweet little shy Corvette, a female. She only made a start in schooling races. For the most part they are the most relaxed dogs I've ever been around. But when Moose decides he wants to play, it can get pretty wild. He runs up and down the hall, does a 360 on the futon, takes off again. He does this once or twice, then he's back to being a couch potato. They don't shed all that much and have no doggy odor. Corvette isn't rough at all in her play.
OK, I sound like a proud parent, but I do love them very much. We were trying to think of a name for us and 2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!! kind of stuck. Plus, we're kind of houndy and getting a bit grey, here and there! We also want to promote greyhound adoption as we go along.

Sorry to ramble so much.


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