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OK, I'm new to Cookshack's forum, but not to BBQing. I have Webers, a New Braunfel and a Big Green Egg, but want an easier way to cook. Looked at Holland (too hot! 400 + degrees), and pretty well concluded I want to go enclosed electric. I was thinking about Bradley, but the posts I read eliminated that! So, it's down to a SmokinTex or a Cookshack (and they both look pretty nice!). Anyone tried the Smokin Tex? Also, since the price of either is a little steep, where could I find a good deal (say the Cookshack, for example)?

Let me say thanks in advance for your input AND help! I sure do appreciate it! Great Forum, by the way!!!

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David - I'll throw in my 2-cents worth here.

Though not totally educated on the subject, it's my understanding that CS and ST were once manufactured by the same company. ST decided to send it's business to China while CS stayed in the US. Chalk up one (or more) for CS.

I own a ST and love it. When I made my purchase I had no idea that the CS even existed. I saw a small clip on the "Today" show about BBQ that talked about the ST. I was tired of tending my ECB (El Cheapo Brinkman). My purchase was made in June and I discovered this forum in August. In all honesty, had I known about the CS and this forum I probably would have went with the CS. From what you'll read here, the tech support and Customer Service is top-notch, bar none. They stand behind their product. Then again, I have never had to use Customer Service with my ST but have only heard stories that the same kudos cannot be said about ST.

A couple of advantages ST has over the CS is that it comes with 5 shelves instead of 3. Also, the ST unit comes with 4 casters which makes it very easy to move around when necessary.

That's my opinion, both objectively and subjectively. There are advantages to both. But in all honesty, if I had it to do over again, I would go with CS - "Made in the USA," great "customer service" and this "forum." Either way, you will enjoy great BBQ without the hassle of tending a fire. When cooking those briskets and butts the feeling of freedom is fantastic!

Best of luck with whatever unit you choose and "Welcome" to the forum!
Suggest a quick "search"

Click on the button in the upper right portion of the page labeled "search" It's in the same line as profile | Directory | search | FAQ | forum home

Type in Smokin Tex (with a space)

and select "all open forums"

It's a popular topic, I got over 148 responses. You could also just select it to search the "owners archive" forum only to limit your search.

Well, I can tell you I purchased the smokette and found it to be to small for my needs. I called CS and inquired if I could send the CS smokette back for the CS model 50 (this was within my 30 day money back guarantee) and they said yes!

They sent me the CS model 50 and when it arrived I used the same box to send back my CS smokette. CS refunded my credit card for the CS smokette and billed me for the CS model 50.....The only down side to this is I had to pay for the shipping when I returned the CS smokette.

Overall, I am very satisfied with CS customer service and with my CS model 50.
Talked to Donna Johnson today about purchasing a Smokerette of a model 50... I can't decide which one to buy. Funny thing, some days ago I emailed both Bradley and SmokinTex, and I never heard a peep back. Found out about this forum, have gotten some great advice, emailed CS last night and Donna actually called me back! That's service!!! Talk about positive attitude. Told Donna that the CS in CookShack also stands for Customer Service!!!

Thanks so much to everybody for your comments and input. Now all I have to do is to decide which CookShack to buy!!!

Since we are on the subject of "Cookshack vs Smokin' Tex", I'd like to point out a few things that I think are important:

1 -- Cookshack smokers are made in the USA. That's why they cost more. American workers get paid more. We think this is a good thing, like keeping our money at home. Evidently, the ST company does not believe in this principle as the ST's are made in China.

2 -- Cookshack's SM008 is comparable to the ST #1300. The SM008 costs $465, has a money back guarantee and free shipping. The #1300 costs $16 less, also with a money back guarantee and free shipping.

3 -- Cookshack is known for its customer service. If you have a problem, we make it right and we make it right FAST. ST has a reputation out on the forums for being very slow to respond. Is this worth $16 to you?

4 -- The SM008 has a practically indestructible powder coated finish. The ST is painted. Is this worth $16 to you?

5 - The Smokette is our original design. The ST smokers are also our design with slight modifications. Jim Smith, the owner of ST, is our former distributor. We think he may have copied our design! Big Grin

Donna Johnson
VP, Marketing
Cookshack, Inc.

PS Lest you think I am bashing the competition, let me make it clear that we love Smokin Tex. When people start comparing the two products we win more often than not. Since they started in business our sales have soared. Competition is a good thing!
It was tough making a decision on which smoker to purchase (Bradley, SmokinTex or Cookshack). To me, the most influencing factor was this forum (which I believe is a great selling tool for Cookshack!). I made up my mind last night, after reading the replies, and then searching all forums for SmokinTex comments. The icing on the cake was conversing with Donna Johnson this afternoon. What a very helpful and nice lady! Talk about Customer Service! She actually called me to answer the questions I had emailed to CS last night. What interest... what service!!! (and you all said that's the way Cookshack does business!).

I made the hardest, last decision. Which style and size Cookshack to buy (large or small - stainless or black finish) and I involved the wife on that one (been married over 30 years and want to stay married!). I (no "we") decided to buy the larger, stainless SM055! More than I wanted to spend, but I wanted to have more than enough room to cook for guests, and my wife wanted it to be in stainless steel. Now, all I have to do is be patient and wait for delivery!

Again thanks to Cookshack's fine support team AND to this forum!

Atlanta (Marietta), GA
GReat choice. I love my 008. Finally saw a 55 at Cabela's. Just like my 008, I want everybody to know, that in real life, IMO, they are smaller than you would think.

If you are even thinking about going to a larger model, I say go for it. The only real negative thing I can say about my 008 is that I wish it was bigger ! LOL.

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