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Had lunch at Snow’s Barbeque in Lexington Texas. Best Brisket I have ever eaten. Smokey, tender and very moist. Really great.

The method they use is to start the brisket on the pit and then after a few hours they wrap the brisket in butcher paper, not foil, and put it back on the pit to finish cooking. The results are fantastic.

Has anyone tried the butcher paper method in a cookshack? If so, how did it work?



If you go to Snow’s get there early. I arrived at noon and the brisket was almost gone.

Original Post
Can't speak for them,but cooking in paper/paper bags,etc has been around a long time in oil field /offset cookers.

Pillow cases,ripped up bed sheets,etc.

Foil can be a more used option.

Sometimes, stickburners,that flow a heavy smoke, can get the meat cooked and then badly oversmoked.

These are common ways to overcome that.

Cookshacks,don't flow that much air/smoke and burn much more efficiently[read cleanly].

Smokin' can probably elaborate,from his observations in that part of the bbq world.

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