Did my first smoke with the SM025 last night.
6.15 lb PB.... put it in when I got off work at 5 pm with it cold and the smoker cold, set it to 225 and let it do it's thing all night long.
Took it off at 5:30 am this morning and it looked perfect, did the FTC and headed to work.... can't wait to blow this joint and get home in a few minutes to dig into it.
For the previous 7 years I have been using a Bradley and it always struggled to hold 225, hot, cold, it didn't matter.... but..... it always cooked similar PB's in 7 to 8 hours tops!!!
Ya'll think the temp gauge must have been VERY wrong and I had been cooking at a much higher temp than I thought all those years? I just can't think of any other logical explanation as to why the extra time in the much more efficient CS that held at a perfect 225 the entire cook?
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