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Smoked a 13# choice packer brisket at 225 degrees for 13.5hrs and the internal probe hit 199 degrees. Took it out and FTC'd for three hours. The brisket tasted great but the meat was soft. Tried to slice it but it would shred. So my question did I overcook it or did the FTC soften the brisket too much? Should I have pulled it at 180?
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Moderators note: I change the title to "soft brisket" to describe the thread a little more accurately than just the ???

Don't know what you mean by soft, but 199 is towards the high end of "done"

Was it too tender and when you tried to slice it, it fell apart?

If you know you'll be FTC'ing, then take it out a few degrees sooner.

Also, check the temp in multiple places. It might be 199 in one place and 210 in another

Check the probe for accuracy.

I use temp as a ball park, but pull it based upon the poke test.

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