Couple of days ago, someone posted here about the cost of spares. I was shocked to see the low prices..about $1.59 or so.
Then I started figuring...
Am paying about $2.29 +/- for 2.5 and downs, St. Louis style. Not sure how to equate this to full 3.5 and downs, but the chine bone and tips have got to weigh something. Anyone here know how to figure what that $1.59 equates to were those ribs trimmed to St. Louis style?
Next, while laying in a case of flats and another case of spares, I decided to get a case of 2 and down loin backs. Those suckers are up to about $5.39 +/-.
Does anyone have a clue why loin backs should command such a far greater price per pound than spares??? The gap in price between the two appears to be widening every few months. Is it strictly supply and demand or are there "real" considerations?
Regards, Mike
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