I love my SM045 but the stainless steel is a finger print magnet. I tried a couple of different natural cleaners and they worked OK but not great. Besides smoking my other passion is collecting and shooting air rifles. I use a citrus based cleaner called "Goo-Gone" to clean the barrels of my air rifles and since it works so great at safely dissolving the grease and oil that new rifles come shipped with I figured I'd give it a try on my Cookshack. I just lightly sprayed a paper towel with some "Goo-Gone" and proceeded to wipe down the sides of my 045. It worked absolutely fantastic !! It instantly removed every finger print and smudge on the stainless steel, quickly dried up on it's own and disappeared and left the entire smoker shining like a new penny
G00-Gone is citrus based and is 100% all organic according to the label. Anyway, just thought I'd post this in case it might be useful to anyone else.

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