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Best of luck to ya Smokin! May the Q-gods smile on your butt Big Grin

PS n OT -- Party at Smokin's house. BYOB and whatever suits ya. We'll need a few CS's or maybe someone can key the locks on the garage door and we'll use Smokin's spares. Speaking of "spares," I'll bring a couple of cases, someone else will have to pick up butts, briskets, yardbirds and whatever elese you want to smoke.

See ya there about 6'ish

RSVP right here with what you can bring and any suggestions for the party ASAP please. See ya there!!! Big Grin

Put me down for a couple of butts. I'm also bringing a neighborhood paintball team of 12-year old boys- they LOVE getting to practice inside of a house.

For entertainment, I'll bring one of the starring families from the movie "The Aristocrats" (if you have any morals, scruples, or decency, don't look it up- you've been warned!).

See you there!
Read the results Smokin. Not bad for your first comp of the season. Congrats! Big Grin

As you can see, Hippie was responsible for all the paintball damage. I tried to warn him Roll Eyes Now, KCAL got in to Hippie's home-brew and the party went south from there! Thank God CS makes a nearly fool-proof smoker cause the house was full of fools hunkered down on 90-proof! Big Grin Food was good, company was excellent! Next time we need too have a few more in attedance as the "house rules" clearly stated the first six arrivals were NOT responsible for clean-up.

And since the paintball episode caused most of the damage please forward the clean-up bill to Hippie. Heck, maybe we'll all chip in! Big Grin

Please convey our sincerest apologies to Mrs Smokin. Next time we'll do better - at what, I don't know Big Grin

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