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Jason, I gotta tell ya..your results are very formidable (sp?). I think I saw a post where you are new to the competition scene. You should be commended. I know from competing (chili cookoffs) that it is NEVER easy to get to the finals table. My take on competitive cooking is to enjoy the event..the other competitors, and hopefully I will pick up a tip or three from the more seasoned cooks..all that coupled with the personal satisfaction when someone compliments my efforts..the biggy for me..kinda blows my skirt up if you will..

I do not worry about winning..I guess for me when I get the compliments..I WON.. Best of luck to you...keep striving for the "goal"

Scott...."won three cookoffs to spite myself" Eeker
I don't know what other help Jason received from forum members but Bill was on the phone with him for hours! First I heard blow by blow on brisket then later all our "secrets" on pork. Maybe he will forget some of it before we have to compete against him.
Great showing in Pulaski for a "newbie".
The Dixie Chick

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