I've been wondering about thermometers to monitor the temp inside the smoker. Maybe I'm being too anal about this. However, after seeing the post by BBQ_Rod on his Cookshack "Shack" I saw the digital thermometers on the front of his Smokette and thought they were thru the door mountings. Well, I was wrong.. but, got the juices flowing.
I like the idea of monitoring the temps inside the box at any point of time and don't want a bunch of wires going thru the smoke hole in the top... so, here is my thought.
Drill two 1/4" holes thru the door of the Smokette, one at the top shelf level and one at the bottom shelf level.. and add these two probes into the box.. sealing with silicone or "muffler" cement.
Check these out.. go to this url: http://www.techinstrument.com , then go to Panel & Wall Mount Thermometers.. then move toward the bottom of the page.. Item #2225-02 which has a range of 0-220*F. The probe is only 4" long.. 1" of which will be taken up going thru the door.. leaving only 3" inside the box.. not enough to interfere with the meat on the racks.
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