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I don't think it's a thermostat issue, but I'm not sure how high/hot the heating element would work, so even putting a higher level thermostat would help.

Also, I'm not sure of any heat limits andd dissipation on the smokette, as you have to think about airflow as you get more temp.

Interesting idea, but I've always got to remind everyone that modifing the CS voids any warranty.

Just got off the phone with Diane from Selco (the thermostate company above) She feels the thermostate would work with the element. The element is either on or off, period. The thermostate is rated to handle up to 20 amps. My smokette only draws 4.9 amps. Thermostates do not control the amps going to the element if I understand her correctly. We have to respect Cookshacks track record here for the mass public that buys this product, and I will say it is a fine smoker as is. That said, the kid in me wants to soup this thing up. Keep the comments coming and if we have an electrial genius in the forum please comment. The minimum is $50 dollars from Selco FYI.

Thanks again

I am new to the smokette, but my unit seams to vary in temperature by as much as + - 30 degrees. Is this normal, or is their a better thermastate that can be added to help stabilize the temperatures within the unit? Right now everything is taking much longer than either the supplied booklet or the cookbook states.
I put a digital unit on my 050 and it works like a charm. Holds temp within a couple of degrees. I've got a probe just like a thermometer and I can put it at whatever level the food's on, if I want to.

Now for the $64.00 question: is it worth the $75.00 bucks or so it cost me to build and install? Have gotten by just fine without it, but-- toys is toys.
gotta add my 2 cents after standing in front of the old southern pride at work all day.
i know this sounds nuts but has anyone ever used a propane torch? used em all the time for desserts and man the will crisp up anything!!
i sure wouldn't recommend that any sauce be on them but i see no reason why the skin couldnt be precrisped smoked crisped again glazed and then hit one last time before presentation. would it be a bother? heck yes!!!!!! but the oooooohhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh factor might be worth it.
ps this is an old competition trick used in american culinary federation competitions

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