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Hi Folks,

I marinated my 4# 13.4oz wild boar hindquarter in cherry liqueur w/my own rub mix and started my prep this am.

First covered all pertinent CS parts in foil; carefully weighed out 3.53 oz. hickory; sprayed grate w/HD Pam; loaded pig into smoker and turned 'er on. Went back inside for a couple minutes and came back out to no nuthin'. The only thing I had overlooked was to plug the CS up to power. LOL

Now for some serious questions: cookbook says to cook a 5# pork butt for 10 hours at 225* w/4oz wood; a search said to cook at 225* for 5 hours. What gives? I am most concerned about the amount of wood since everyone says less is more w/a CS. I tend to take the cookbook times w/a grain of salt, so what do you recommend?

The meat is from a small pig w/decent fat so it should be tender. Thanks in advance for your replies.
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I would go with the 10 hours. When I do a Boston Butt I usually put it in over night. I do a brisket starting at 10 p.m. for a next day meal around 3 p.m. Everyone is right about wood amount, you do not need a lot. Remember, hickory has a big bite and go easy. Make sure your windows are closed or your house will smell. Take some pictures of the finished product. Like they say, its done when its done. Take notes so you can track your smoke and make small adjustments next time. Good luck.

I have seen the same postings, but after a couple years with a CS55 and now an AmeriQue - use all recommendations as a STARTING point. I have cooked fat pork 1 1/4 hours per pound and lean up to 1 1/2 hour per pound. I have never cooked pork 2 hours per pound, but when the smoker was packed full I used more time. I used a Polder thermometer with the CS55 and when it hit 193 it came off and I never checked the time. Many times using this method the meat required covering with aluminum wrap and a towel with an hour or two in the empty beer cooler, but that even helps the finished product.


Just to let you know how these cookers vary I cooked a 9.2lb butt this weekend. It took 25 hrs to reach 200* @ 225*. Took a long time, but the wait is worth it. Mmmmmmmmmmmm good.

Before anyone says anything......yes the 009 works fine and my temp probes are accurate.

Like the man says " it's done when it's done".
I agree with the others on the smoke. Do not over do it. You did say this is a wild hog and a hindquarter at that. Both of these facts point to a longer cook time since the hind quarter is leaner and a wild hog, even a young one, is leaner than domestic. I have done a good deal of wild hog smoking and the hind quarters seem to plateau for a long while. This is no problem but does extend the cook time somewhat. I set it at 225 and let er rip til 190 internal, regardless of the time.
Don't peek and trust the theory, "It's done when it's done".

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