I guess the real question is how much fat there was. As long as there is fat, it won't dry out, until you overcook it.
It's just taking longer to get hapy and that's not a bad thing.
There is a big time difference between 200 and 225 and above. 200 is close to the finishing temp and a general rule of thumb, the closer your finishing temp and the temp of the pit, the longer it will take.
In years past, I would cook a brisket @ 180 for 24 hours before I would even bump the temp, of course those were monster briskets 12 to 14 lbs and up. Ah, the good old days, good briskets.
You'll be fine.
For me, and butts, I would just set it on 250 and forget it. The difference between 225 and 250 won't make a huge difference on a butt.