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I just got my first picnic, it's in the fridge marinating now. there was a thick layer of fat on the bottom, should i trim that off before cooking it?
i plan on putting it in when i get off of work around 11, then cooking it all night and all day tomorrow. does that sound about right?
also, any last minute tips that i haven't already read from the other posts?
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I don't remember the weight, it cost $9.10, so i'm guessing maybe about 6 lb. I got a meat thermometer, i read that i'm supposed to get it to 255 degrees. does that sound about right?
it is a picnic for sure.
but before i put it on the fire, i should trim off the bottom part though right?
and i thought that oklahoma was the only place that bbq'd! you mean to tell me that there are other states out there that can cook?
i appreciate the help. i'm really glad i found this forum too.
i'm not sure. this is my first time with anything more than a couple ribs. is 200 the right temperature?
i rubbed the meat with a mixture of mostly brown sugar, with black and red pepper, a little salt and even lesser amount of Emeril's Essence (anyone tried that stuff? i love it!). got some apple juice to keep it moist.
i'll be cooking with Mesquite chunks. is it neccessary to soak them in water prior to putting them on?
Sorry for all the questions, just starting to get nervous.
Nope, don't take it to 255, it will be dry and really tasteless.

For a picnic, that small, just shoot for around 190 and with a bone you, you can just twist it a little. You can cook it at 225 or 250, but that little, and you're cooking overnight, go for the lower temp. A 6 lber could be done as soon as an hour per pound or maybe 1.5 hour per. Overnight cooks can be tough if you're not sure of time/temp etc.

You'll want to trim off the tough "hide" but not fat, that will help keep it moist.
Regarding the fatcap on the picnic, I peal it back, with the skin, all the way to the shank; apply rub underneath; and then cover back up with the fatcap; place in smoker fatcap up at 225; and let it go until the meat is reaches 195 degrees. then wrap in foil and a couple of towels and put in cooler for 2 hours. The skin will just fall off - It's done.

Happy Trails
I'm with SokKen on this one. Had to do a picnic do to the fact the the local was out. Cooked just like a butt, left skin on. I cooked it with skin side down-saw abunch on food network at a Q contest, seemed like what they did. Pulled at 185 internal and id the wrap-towel-cooler thing for two hours, really couldn't tell the differance. Keep that bone and throw it in a pot of pinto's, most excelent. THEN let the dog have it.

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