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neat question
1st thing i would recommend is to get a cheap taylor remote thermo and run that into the fec thru the exhaust vent. this will allow you to get an idea of the temp the unit is running. if this is within 20 degrees of the digital readout on your panel everything is cool.
i have never had a problem of burning the bottom of meat in my unit on the settings you have described.
before i would ever change the panel i would get pellets from different manufacturers and try them.
for me and my cooking style bbqr's delite pellets work best for my unit but you will have to try around.
you dont mention which rack you have the meat on. maybe something as simple as putting it on the top shelf might work
hope this helps some
Originally posted by smokinron:
[qb] ... Can I change the setting on the little blue dial on the inside of the digital control board and achieve temp I want? [/qb]

That dial has little to do with temp, it has to deal with the auger (which theoretically has to do with temp, but that's not what that dial is for). You can mess with it, but what happens is the auger gets slow to the point of the fire going out.

The difference between 210 and 180 is a little more than 10% so at most you have to increase your cook times a little.

What are you cooking that's getting crusty at 240? That's why some cook fat side down on the bottom rack.

To me, it's like a stick burner that you're cooking too close to the heat or an offset that the meat is too close to the firebox. I just invert my meat at least once throughout the cook (when I use the bottom rack right over the heat) and I have no problem. I had problem with briskets on the bottom rack, but when I flip them sometime during the cook I don't have that problem.

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