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Just did my first smoke today. 5.25 lb boston butt. Seasoned with 3 Tbs of cookshack rib rub last night and refrigerated overnight. Put in smokette elite at 6:45 a.m. at 225. Bumped to 250 after 11 hours because had to get it done before the snow starts flying here tonight. 13.5 hours total to get to 195. Let sit for 45 min., then pulled and had two giant sandwiches. The title says it all. I hope every smoke is this easy. If so, these things really are idiot proof.
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Glad to hear your first smoke went well! I'm assuming there were no probs w/ the cold outside temps Smiler

Just put in a 9.8 lb. packer brisket. Probably will be done WAY before the in-laws come over for dinner, but rather have it sitting in the cooler for 3-4 hrs. than have everyone waiting for eats. Will report back tomorrow night with results!

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