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this recipe is for about 1-2 lbs of meat(eye of the round) slice meat 3/16 thick.
use these brands to get the taste.
4tbs la choy soy sauce
4 tbs frenchs worcestershire sauce
1 tbs catsup
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp red pepper (cayenne)
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp wright's liquid smoke(i use this in a dehrydrator-have not tried it yet in the new 008)
i use mccormick spices.
for spicier jerky heap the peppers.
put in something plastic with a lid turn and shake every couple hrs. put in fridge overnite put on racks DO NOT pat dry as all the goodies will be on the paper towel. i cook mine untill still pliable thus it needs to be refrigerated or vacum sealed. going to try some in the cs after i do baby backs-butts-bacon-cheese-etc.
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sorry guys--the jerky has "some" moisture in it i just don't take it to crispy. don't know the temp as i have using dehyrator-will be trying some in the new 008 later. it takes 8-12 hr to cook. can you taste the cure in it? didn't know about cure as the recipe did not call for any.shore used a bunch on hogs when i was younger.thusly i put it in a ziplock bag or use the vacum sealer. it will keep in frig month or more.
Well now that I have had a fresh looksee, I am figgering he was asking if the cure is the same as the sugar cure what is used on hog meat like hams and shoulders to hang out in the cold air.

I also think maybe the 8-12 hours is how long it takes to dry the jerky in his dehydrator.

Roll Eyes
the man is using eye of the round, sounds like cattle beef to me. He has the soy sauce (should lose the la choy and at least go Kikkomans) and the Worcestershire going on, with a bunch of salts. Same battle I have been fighting here for years, he doesn't need the cure. Even going so far as to refrigerate the jerky after it is done.
My advice: you are making good jerky. If you follow your same procedures and employ the cookshack, you will make smoke flavored jerky. If you love smoke, try it. If you like your jerky as is, smoke will not help.
Is there another kind of beef besides cattle ?

Soy sauce, Worcestershire, and salt. No cure. Refridgeration optional. I am not sure it is a responsible thang to be posting this kind of advice on a public forum. If you want to eat your jerky without cure and refridgeration, that is one thang, but suggesting others do so is another.

I am not posting to be argumentative. At this point, I consider it a public service.


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