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Thanks FE and John. We have a few more veterans on the board so my thanks to them also!

Yes, we have many freedoms today and if you have family/friends who are veterans, please give them a personal thanks. The military is a profession, don't make it political, support out Armed Forces, remember:

All gave some and some gave all
I had written this in another post. Guess this is the proper place for it;

My hats off and heartfelt thanks to you [Smokin] and all Veterans who serve in any capacity to help make this nation what it is today. I thank God for those who were wiling to risk it all so that we may partake the liberty and freedom that we all enjoy today. Let us never forget those who made and paid the ultimate sacrifice for the Land of the Free and the Home of thhe Brave. God bless you all!
sorry to jump in late on this but i had to work friday.
i am lucky here in st augustine to have a national cemetary.
when my daughter was young and got the day off from school i would take her there every veterans day to see why she was off.
when my seabee guadacanal veteran father came down for a visit he went with us also but that day it was cold and windy and they wanted a vietnam vets to set under a canopy. dad said go do it but i told him nope they just trying to get us sick Big Grin
since i had to work i hooked up my old greyhound moose at 5 am and we went and paid our respects and said thanks to those laying there. we also saw the guards and wished them well.
i guess the point of all this is just remember a vet only did what they were asked to do. i thought vietnam was a farce and i for sure didnt like being drafted but as the son of a vet i sure wasn't going to run to canada and out of respect to my father who fought on guadacanal and the phillipines and was on his way over to the invasion of japan when they dropped the bomb i would never buy a japanese car (he said it was ok though to get the honda generators)
i guess i kind of rambled but the point is this--like okie said the vet is only doing what the country wants and these guys in afganastan and iraq sure have my respect.
hope they are all safe and sound and can get home safe to their loved ones

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