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I would certainly like to "give back" a little of what you guys have done for me.... I as you know am a professional caterer and a National Catering Consultant with an expertise in start up catering and catering from restaurants. I am "on call" as a staff for CaterSource. I host the Forums at .

I would be glad to answer any of your catering questions here... Many of you may have fantasize about becoming a professional caterer or a restaurateur. I would be happy to help.

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Don't Postpone Joy!
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Hi ,Carl.I have a friend that is the meat manager for a chain supermarket and also the associate pastor of a large church.He takes good care of me ,as my meat supplier ,and I occasionally take him some of what I am cooking.I am encouraging him to get his church into the smoking and occasional fundraising business.He would have to want the extra work and probably do some justification to the board....Do you have any major do's or don'ts that I might share with him? Tips to help justify ?Thanks in advance for the help.Tom.

Good Q 2 Ya,Tom.
First of all, I have a philosophical difference with churches going into "business". However, I think I know what you mean. You are talking about fundraisers.

I have participated in these professionally. What I offer the church is the opportunity to sell pork loins at 25.00 each. They presell most to church members and friends. Then I come to their site and cook these loins. I like the split roasts. They weigh about 5 pounds. I have cooked Canadian loins, which are too lean in my opinion, They weigh 11 pounds whole, so I cut them in half before cooking.

Anyways, I give the church 5.00 per loin they presell. I give them 2.00 for the loins sold on site.

I have about 10.00 in each loin. I make 10.00 and they make 5.00. Everyone is happy, especially me.... They don't have to do much. I supply the foil and the igloos to hold them.

Ok, as far as my advice to your buddy. Hmmm, I can't advise a church to do business as I said. As far as the pastor goes, that may be a conflict of interest... My immediate thought is why don't you do it, as above?? What size unit do you have?

COOKSHACK!!! get your mind out of the gutter!

I have a 250 and can get 24 loins in at one time (comfortably!) My BIG smoker (charcoal and wood burning) rotisserie can get 84 loins in at once.... (Ask me how many I precook and "finish"?) Also, most people prefer to pick them up cold... so this is another advantage...

Feel free to ask anything else !

Originally posted by Tom:
Carl,thanks alot.This gives me an avenue to take with him.I'm more interested in having the meat manager in the cooking and maybe competition cookoff business.My own selfish interest.

Really? how is that? What do you mean by your own selfish interest?


"Where there is Smoke, there is Flavor!"
Howdy,Carl.My goal is to get him into smoking ,as his own interest, and to start him into the backyard or patio level at the next FL bbq circuit.Besides having another team to assist at contests,it will keep him interested in ordering the type products we like to Q.It may help expand good Q in the area and help his church out in the process......I know your area somewhat and there are probably some churches that have been doing Q for generations....One more place for good people and good Q.It is unusual to go to a sanctioned cookoff around FL without at least 1 or 2 church teams entered.We are looking at a Klose mobile cookoff rig,a Traeger,and a CS to stay at home.It is all in the concept and talking stage right now,but in the meantime I have a great meat source. I'll appreciate any input you have and if it progresses I might even have some smarter questions.LOL

Good Q 2 Ya,Tom.
I am very happy to introduce a new moderator. CaterGreat is bringing his many years of restaurant and catering experience to the Professionals Only forum. He has generously offered to share the benefit of his experience with other caterers and restaurateurs. CaterGreat is from Jackson, Tennessee.

Donna Johnson

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