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Hi All.

We have the Fec 100 coming. We have the trailer. We have reefers, sinks, hot wells, and so on and on ...

What we don't have is a name! I have racked my brain, polled my friends, family and neighbors for ideas and searched the web, but nothing stands out. Well, there were a few stand outs but they were not original. I want to fill out that retail sales permit, but with no name it can't be done. See what I mean, even No Name is taken! Anybody have a good name that they don't want? Red Face This is embarassing !

I am way open to suggestions. That elusive name is evading me.

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Go with your name! Not only is it easy, It associates the food DIRECTLY to you and probably the COOLEST thing is... having checks that say Kate ?
DBA as Kate's.
Then you write the check to Kate ?,
Sign it Kate ? and
have to flip the check over and sign Kate ?.
In the memo area write "To:me w/ Love!(I do!)
It is the American Dream!! Not to mention...One hell of a good feeling.
(the above comments ONLY apply to sole-proprietorships)
Best wishes!
I'm probably not the best at picking out names. I wanted to name ours "2 Dogs...SMOKIN!!!!" Jack thought that sounded a little too Korean. So we picked out "2 Greyhounds....SMOKIN!!!!". We want to promote greyhound adoption, and own 2 of the sweeties, plus we're both getting grey and a little doggy, too. We do get a lot of attention because of the name. I'm hoping that's a good thing.
I'll think about it.

What about "What's That Name, BBQ?"

Wow! Some great ideas there! Thank you ALL!

We are doing a very basic BBQ, using the KISS Theory. Three meats, Ribs, chicken and pulled pork or brisket. Sides of cole slaw, beans and a diced potato with onions done in little foil packs. Simple, not too many choices and a menu to build on.

I tested cole slaw recipes and just about killed my husband. I don't like cole slaw, so he has to taste test it. After sampling ten different styles, I blended my own combination, which got rave reviews, which he couldn't resist and which he munched a bunch of. Well, today he spent the day repenting eating so much slaw! Use your imaginations.

The trailer will be cabin like. We are going with T1-11 on the bottom half and rough sawn lap cedar on the top half. Green metal roof. It is a stock trailer conversion. It will blend in with the northwoods and the feel of the beautiful forest way up here. We did the same idea with houseboats a while back. I see that a company in Indiana is using a similar style, but in half log siding. Ours will look a bit different, theirs has an open area for their BBQ, ours will be inside in its own room.

To give you an idea of how many BBQ concessions we have for competition, our inspector has inspected a whole 2 in his regional area! We are planning to be in maybe 3 to 4 locations through the week, in near by towns, with our own town getting an extra day or two a week. We will be strickly seasonal, as the temperatures are too cold in the winter and we have the reindeer to occupy us. The idea is that they will come to expect us in town on a certain day/night and look forward to our being there. Sounds like a plan, right!

On the reindeer front, we are called Jolly Mon Farm/NorthWoods Reindeer. Last thing I want is someone thinking we BBQ reindeer! So, I am not sure about that connection.

I am so afraid that someone will take offense if we take a name that belongs to someone else somewhere. I have thought about going with a Cowboy themed name, as country music is popular, as well as pickups and cowboy hats. My husband is known as Paddy to many, so I hit on Paddy Wagon BBQ, but I got to thinking that was hokey. I am going to browse the team name site though!

As a Jimmy Buffet fan I have come to the conclusion that "indecision may or may not be my problem!".

Now, you have given me some great names, so I will run them past Paddy and the gang. I am giving myself until next Monday to make it final. Have to send that sales permit in!

You guys are GREAT! This has to be The most friendly forum that I have ever come across! Thanks!


Ps., Truth be told I am actually Lesley Kathleen, but I go by Kate. So please keep calling me Kate. Patrick ( Pat, Paddy) and Kate, real possibilities there too!
Hi Peggy!

A prize eh? Hmm, since I have an in with Santa, how about I pass on your wish list to him personally? Or wait, how about a complimentary dinner at the new named place? Or, I could give all of you my secret recipe for Upside Down Flint Rubble Double Bubble Cookies, (not a real secret, but it sounds good and they taste oh so good) just because you were all so nice !

No decision here yet. But you all have my mind churning!

Thanks again!
Hi All!

I will tell you all on Monday what we are calling the place.

Monday is also the day the FEC is supposed to ship. All our other equipment was supposed to be here this week, but I imagine that on Monday that will arrive too. The weather is supposed to be warming up, at least to above freezing, so work on the trailer will start in ernest soon. I am going to do photos from start to finish, so you can see what it started and finished out like.

Peggy, I didn't invent the cookie name! Betty and Wilma from the Flintstones made a cake and that was the name. My son gave the cookies the name as a joke.

As a thank you to everyone here is the recipe. I do promise you will like them.

Upside Down Flint Rubble Double Bubble Cookies

(I actually got this recipe off a bag of flour years ago)

2 1/2 cups All Purpose or Unbleached Flour

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup sugar

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 cup margarine or butter, softened

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 eggs

1 cup chopped pecans

48 Rolo Chewy Caramels in Milk Chocolate, unwrapped

1 tablespoon sugar


1. In medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa and baking soda; mix well.

2. In large bowl, combine 1�cup sugar, brown sugar and butter; beat until light and fluffy. Add vanilla and eggs; beat well. Add flour mixture; blend well. Stir in 1/2�cup of the pecans. If necessary, cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate 30�minutes for easier handling.

3. Heat oven to 375�F. For each cookie, with floured hands, shape about 1�tablespoon dough around 1�caramel candy, covering completely.

4. In small bowl, combine remaining 1/2�cup pecans and 1�tablespoon sugar. Press one side of each ball into pecan mixture. Place, nut side up, 2�inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. (Most of the time I double this, I like more topping)

5. Bake at 375�F. for 7�to 10�minutes or until set and slightly cracked. Cool 2�minutes; remove from cookie sheets. Cool on wire rack for 15�minutes or until completely cooled. Perhaps these could be cooked in the FEC and be called Smokey Upside Down Flint Rubble Double Bubble Cookies? Jack is a bold adventurer, maybe he will give it a try, eh? If you don't, I will try it!

My kids always microwave the cold cookies for a few seconds to get the gooey, fresh out of the oven taste. Smiler

Thanks for the help! Hope you try the cookies!
I gave the recipe to my pastry chef at work and she is going to whip me up a batch.
She won't smoke them, they'll have to go in the convection oven.

I am out on the west side, but I lived in Gilbert and Mesa the first 10 years I was here. How long has it been since you lived out here?

Ohh, you lucky guy! Don't forget to warm them in the microwave for a few seconds. And, don't forget to tell me if you like them!

I lived in Chandler for about a year. Actually lived in Mesa for about 3 months in a Best Western, I think. Worked for GE Travel in Phoenix and in Apache Junction. That was about 1994. Bounced around the country a bit, didn't know whether to flit or fly! Ended up back in the Islands.

I have noted that Paddy's Wagon has two votes. Time to weigh in, time is running out!

Good Weekend to you!
Haven't been to this site for a while ... good thread ... nice comments, of course .. great people!!

I like Paddy's Wagon ... has a good down to earth feel and brings to mind a comfortable place to be. and that's what BBQ is all about, isn't it?

Whatever you decide; I wish you the best but I know you will do well. Those who care about their business and their customers always do well.


Let me throw this in (see, I'm still not decided) the last name is Peter. So we have Kate and Paddy Peter. Does that spring any new thoughts into the mix?

Right now the Paddy Wagon idea is at the top of the list. I had a suggestion of Smokey Rafters too, since the trailer looks like a cabin. Any thoughts?

Thanks All!

Well, I am going to go back on what I said before about posting the name today. I just can't decide yet. So, instead of jumping in, I am going to wait. But, as soon as I decide I will post the name. I have been going over names for months, so a few more days won't make much difference. Have to get it right.

I'll get back to you!

Hi All.

Thank you to everyone who suggested names! They all had their good points. Having said that, we have picked the name.



The Porcupine Mountains are north of us. Lots of Pines round here. Pete and Peter are close. Porky is self explanatory.

There are some interesting tag lines that come to mind also. Our BBQ sticks with you. And, I think the logo possibilities are pretty wide too.

My second choice, it is only second by a hair, and I still could change my mind, it is ... SWEET HOME BBQ

I like this one because it would relate well to the cabin style rig and sweet home and bbq have good connotations.

So, that is wherre I am at. Comments are welcome. Tell me what you think and be painfully honest!


had to think my response over for a few days since i know how important a name is.
i like the porkeypine pete's smokehouse name but i keep coming back to sweet home bbq.
so i guess my vote is sweet home 1st and porkeypine 2nd.
by the way thanks for translating my shoulder/butt answer to david Big Grin

Well, I liked Sweet Home BBQ also, but I got out voted. My concession was that if Porky Pine Pete's doesn't do well we can reopen with Sweet Home under new management. Thanks a lot said I!

Our FEC came yesterday and we seasoned it and then smoked a pork butt. At 3 this morning I gave up my need to watch over the process and let it go. I had pulled pork for breakfast, then again for a snack. It is just plain good. I am full, but I want to eat more! Gluttony comes to mind.

It was an exciting night for me. I have learned one important thing, you just have to walk away and let it do its thing. It drove me crazy watching the temperatures go up and down. Was it too hot, not hot enough. In the end, I think I would have been hard pressed to ruin it no matter what I did.

So, now I am sitting here thinking of what i can mix up to cook. I see some recipes for meatloaf on the forum. Perhaps given the name I should make porcupine meatloaf?

Thanks again!


Must be a regional thing, and I am not from this region, but, I have to say that locally, the name Porky Pine Pete's is getting great feedback. If the locals like the name, then I like it too. Actually, I am getting used to it and it has grown on me. i did a bit of design work and came up with a pretty decent logo. It needs refining, but I have a good basic porcupine with a piggish nose and duds that fit the Northwoods. It gives the name a bit more feel for me. So, while I like Sweet Home BBQ, I am not going to entertain the idea that it will change, that would be defeatist on my part! I am loaded for success right now! Smiler



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