Like Randy says about sizes.Most high end/custom houses deal with a group of ranches that raise to butcher to a certain "manufacture" standard.
Also,the restaurants are their end user.Sometimes,the feeling that the under 2 yr old steer will be better meat,has chefs ordering smaller .With brisket,the chef may be serving fewer meals?
Yes,often comp cooks like large packers,because it gives us more to pick from.We are a small user and they don't raise for us.
Maybe they find us an old ,or non quality producing bull?
We would constantly stress sending us the largest possible and like Randy says, the case might have a couple high 12 pounders,a nine,a ten,a seven,and an eight.
When everyone was cooking CABs and they got tough to find,the only ones the FL wholesaler could sell was eight cases of over 20 pounders.That meant 100-110 lbs /case.
Yep,SRF sometimes for larger,and Creekstones for regular primes.
Good luck.