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Dave, welcome to the forum. You made a wise choice deciding on a CS. You will be happy with whatever model you choose. I think the biggest question is how much do you have to spend? I have a 55 and love it as does everyone with 08/09's and AQ's.. The AQ is a true set it a forget it. You set the cook temp and target temp and let it do it's thing. It will go into hold mode once the target temp is hit. You don't have to worry about anyone being home to lower the temp once your target is hit. Good luck on whatever you decide.
I'm a new Cookshack owner and seriously considered the AmeriQue. I ended up selecting the SM008, but only after giving serious consideration to how I have used barbecue cookers in the past, plus my current and probable future needs.

In my opinion, the AmeriQue is worth the money if you need or have use for the extra capacity (compared to a Smokette), and if you want or need the true set-it-and-forget-it capabilities it has. If you answer "Yes" to those two considerations, it really is a nice package, and I think it's fairly priced.

For me, based on past experience, I didn't think I needed the additional capacity. As for the set-and-forget part, I've already got a "BBQ Guru" controller for a vertical charcoal smoker, so I figured I could rig up a way to make it control the Smokette pretty easily.

But I may or may not ever do so, since so far the Smokette has been quite easy to use and very forgiving of my "learning experiences".

Hope this helps.
My AQ is fantastic. May even be a little too small. Here in upstate NY not many are smoking this time of year. When mine is fired up people seem to pop in from all over. After the 1st smoke everything came together in my head & the ease of using this unit is amazing. I'm turning out better meat than ever with very little effort. I'd say grab one soon!
Dave -- Welcome to the forum! You are making an excellent choice in going with Cookshack (this from a SmokinTex owner!).

My ST is the same size as the 08/09 and it suits my family needs just fine (me and the Mrs & a few friends). There have been only a couple of occasions when I wished I had a larger smoker but still managed to cook enough even though it took two smokes.

Think thru your needs and who you will be cooking for. Can the Smokette or 50/55 or AQ handle it? Look at your wallet, think and look at your wallet again. You'll make the right decision.

Good luck! Big Grin
Last edited by wheelz

I think we all went throught the same questions at the beginning. Congratulations on thinking ahead!

How much product do you think you will ever need, at one time? Are you going to feed the Little League team, or help out at the church BBQ? Or are you just cooking for your own family?

I too have "the other smoker", which is just a tad larger than 08, but it is plenty large for a family of 2 and the odd family gathering. Although there seem to be a lot more "friends" who want to come eat, mine is plenty large for my needs.

Do I wish that i had purchased the larger model? Part of me does, just for the bragging rights. As a logical exercise, I have plenty of room.

It all comes down to what you really need vs. what would be nice to have.
After agonizing heavily between a 008/009, 050/055, and Amerique, I ended up with an 050.

I really like the 050, but if i had the amerique controller, I would smoke more often. I work all week, and weekends are busy with kids sports, church activities, and whatever else comes up.

Then again, the Amerique is a lot of $$. I have yet to cook more than one cut of meat at at a time, but I bought the 050 over the 008 for the couple of times a year that I want to.

So in the end... tough call on what to buy... there is no right answer... I probably would go with the Amerique if I had it to do again, but I'm not sure, the cost diference is substantial.

Best Regards,

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