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Hey, folks. First- this is a great forum. I've spent days reading posts and learned a lot. As a first-time poster and someone that wants to get a CS ordered ASAP, I'm hoping to get some advice on which model to buy. While I could see me buying any of them, I'm primarily torn between the SM020 (or SM025) and the Amerique.

A little background- I've been smoking with an offset for approx. 12 years. We primarily do baby back ribs and a Thanksgiving turkey, and I've always had good results as long as I am able to personally (emphasis on "personally") babysit the smoker throughout the 6-8+ hour process. On a recent rib smoke, I had to entrust another with the babysitting, and ended up throwing away a lot of expensive meat. I decided it was time to look for something closer to "set it and forget it", and that's how I came across CS.

When I smoke, it's usually for 15-20 people. While, at this point, I don't see myself needing to feed more than 20-25, I suppose you never know. I also love good left-overs, so I would like the ability to smoke lots of food. When I make significant purchases, I usually try to err on the side of caution and "buy up" a lever or two, so I don't later regret something being too small, too slow, not good enough, etc.

While I'd gladly pay more for the Amerique, I have a hard time getting over the fact that I could almost buy three 020's for the price of one Amerique.

What are your thoughts size-wise? Am I asking for trouble trying to smoke a lot of ribs with the 020 or 025? I know there are rib racks, but there seem to be a lot of negative comments on using the rib racks. If I were to buy the Amerique, I presume that I would use the rib hooks.

Feature-wise, I understand that the only feature difference between the Amerique and the 025 is the hold feature (time and temp), which seems to get mixed reviews on the forum. While I know I couldn't use the probe/temp hold feature for ribs, I presume that I could use the hold feature based on time, correct? Of course, that would be after I get a good feel for how long the ribs take in the CS. I know I've mentioned ribs a lot, but I absolutely intend to smoke butts, brisket, chicken, turkey and probably everything else except fish (my wife/family are not big on fish). We are a very busy family, so I could see the hold feature coming in handy for those times when I won't be around when the food is done- which might be 80% of the smokes I do!

What do you all think? I certainly don't expect you to make my decision for me- just looking for some good advice. If you believe that size/space is not going to be an issue for me, and the hold feature is the only real/practical advantage with the Amerique, is that one feature worth another $1,000?

Thanks so much for your help!!!!
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If you always bought the same brand of market hog,same weight,trimmed the same,no one else bought the label,I suppose you could cook ribs by time,on a hold feature?

With plenty enough experience?

On the FEC s we use the hold in reverse,to kick meat out of the slower smoke temp of several hrs,up to higher cook temps.

We then check for doneness, with the traditional methods.

When I had my old smokette/008,the smallest,I used the temp to time my activities.

We might go out to dinner at 6PM and set it for 180º,come home at midnight,kick it up to 200º,awaken at 8AM,kick it to 235º,figure it was done around noon-give ,or take six hrs.

Foil and cooler it for 2-8 hrs.

Thus,it would always be done correctly-no matter what.

It ain't a stick burner,wind/rain don't affect it,it won't over smoke,the fire won't blow out,etc.

With enough experience, with the same product each time,on big meats,I'd probably know the timing to let the cooker come down to 140º safe hold temp, using a hold feature.

I could then get there a couple hrs later,kick the temp back up,and finish the "doneness" with my traditional cooking temps.

Something as stable as butts/shoulders,I might learn to let a temp probe get to maybe 195º internal,drop to 140º internal holding temp for a couple hrs.

Personally ,many of us set butts/packers up to cook slow,plan on getting back a couple hrs early,kick the temps up higher ,and finish them ,normally.

Not sure I'm a good enough cook to trust cooking by time,at this point.

Hope this helps a little.

Probably, some of the folks with AQ s,could give you better experience levels.
Last edited by tom
Welcome to the forum. CS is a tremendous product no matter what unit you purchase. As for myself- I went with a SM025. We generally entertain up to 25 people a couple of times a month. When the number is more towards 25 people, I will smoke a butt and when that number is lower, I will do spares or even BBs. I ALWAYS will do something else on the grill- burgers, brats, chicken, etc just to have the options there. Also spending the money on BBs for 25 people can get expense.

Now looking back, it would be nice to have the larger AQ to smoke more food but I believe I made the right decision. We always have plenty of food left and that is even after giving some to-go boxes out to my neighbors. One has a Traeger so it is always a competition.

The hold-function for me wasn't important as I work from home. Generally I smoke for the weekend so I either do a butt or brisket overnight and ribs, chicken, etc in the morning. Would it be helpful if I had the hold-function, of course, but at this time isn't necessary.

Either way you go, you are making a great decision. I have had mine since Labor Day and it is used at least once a week.
I've had my AmQ for almost a year now and do like having the hold option as it takes a bit of the worry out of being there all the time. With big cuts like brisket and pork butt that you cook to temp the hold function is handy considering the cook time can vary greatly on these cooks. The hold function has come in handy on ribs that are cooked by time as well.

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