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I used to get told by old/good cooks that to 95% of the folks it was just the aroma, as we cooked.Very few could pick out woods they,or others cooked with,and few tasters could tell the difference in the eating.They suggested I use my wood in best condition for the cook,and focus more on learning how to cook the meat.

Can't swear to right or wrong,just passing it on. Smiler
I am into aged apple wood.

in fact you have hit upon one of the best things about Cookshack unlike other smokers with Cookshack wood is almost used as a spice you can go to your local exotic wood shop buy small amounts of exotic woods and try them out.

as much as I like the ability to tryout exotic woods I have not found any really good ones.

Rosewood was one that rendered the product not worth eating.
Originally posted by Michael Macdonald:
in fact you have hit upon one of the best things about Cookshack unlike other smokers with Cookshack wood is almost used as a spice you can go to your local exotic wood shop buy small amounts of exotic woods and try them out.

I'd be careful with some of the exotic woods. I do some woodworking as a hobby, have made a boatload of cutting boards, and some of the imported woods are not food safe, can't remember off hand which ones in particular though. A google search should find them.

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