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I've only used a CS for a month... But twice I've wrapped alder chips w/foil and poked 4-5 holes in the top... Worked fine, but I don't think that the chips actually smoke as long as the chunks... I'd recommend that you weigh the chips--2oz of chips is a surprisingly large handful!!! I used 1oz of hickory (chunk) and 1.5oz of alder (chips)w/4 racks of ribs--came out really nice... Good luck...
Sometimes we use chips to help light the charcoal in our brinkman because they do flame easily if the air gets to them. All we use now for smoking is either chunks or sometimes whole pecans. Citrus wood is great and in your area might be easy to get. They say to let it dry first before using in the cookshack. On a brinkman you can use it as green wood, the moisture you put in the water pan is partly reduced by the water in the wood. I'd follow the directions to dry first, especially if using your nice new cookshack!

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