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Have used wood chunks from various varieties of trees for decades. However, the size (and quantity) never was a major consideration with other smokers, grills, etc.

With the CS, weight and size appear to be more of a factor with the final product. This brings many questions to my mind.

Among them...

Anyone experiment with barked chunks vs non-barked chunks? Results?

Size of chunks...anyone experiment with using (for example) 5 small pieces to total 5 oz, rather than 2 larger pieces? Results?

Anyone ever mix sizes, adding chips to the chunks?

Finally, I've read several caveats about using "too much" wood. So far, I've about doubled the recommended amounts of wood for each cooking and detect no bitterness. Can't figure out why not. Your thoughts?

Regards, Mike
Original Post
You can probably find a lot of answers about wood by doing a search, I found some topics that are along this line, but here's my answers:

Anyone experiment with barked chunks vs non-barked chunks? Results?
---Most people here haven't found that it matters. Me personally, I tend to go for the de-barked(word?) wood. No reason, I just do.

Size of chunks...anyone experiment with using (for example) 5 small pieces to total 5 oz, rather than 2 larger pieces? Results?
---Try it yourself. Just start the smoker and see the results. Smaller burns faster, bigger burns longer. Both produce smoke. In the CS, doesn't make a lot of difference, you can always add more word, but it's very efficient with the smoke it produces.

Anyone ever mix sizes, adding chips to the chunks?
---Haven't heard of anyone, but chips can ignite pretty fast, don't go too small, but some, including Stuart, use chips for different things.

Finally, I've read several caveats about using "too much" wood. So far, I've about doubled the recommended amounts of wood for each cooking and detect no bitterness. Can't figure out why not. Your thoughts?

---you'll know when you've added too much wood. You have to remember, there are several different size smokers. Your 50 can handle more wood than a Smokette. Just keep good logs and you'll have your own feedback to help. It really depends on the individual unit, the wood, it's moisture and how the wood actually burns.

Smoke' 'em if you got 'em.
Smokin' Okie

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