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I live in the boonies of northern MI. Near Traverse City. The place where I buy my briskets is even further in the boonies and I have to drive 20 miles to get there. There aren't really any stores around this supermarket (An IGA store) but there is a post office nearby.

So I walk in to buy a brisket... and for $3.49/lb I buy an 8.77 lb USDA Prime graded Brisket also "Certified Angus beef". These were printed right on the cryovac, not something added on later.

Will be cooking that puppy tonight... and will see if it's any different than the WW stuff.

It's a bit small, I wanted a whole packer but will take what they have... but it is a large flat.
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Nice deal.

See if they have more,buy and freeze all they have.

I suggest that you use it as a learning tool and virtually "deconstruct" it.

Pull apart the fibers/grain by running your fingertips against the grain and look at the looseness.Think of a filet mignon and how loose/soft it is.

Look at the interspersed fat in the flat.

Go ahead and try to slice down between the point and flat,remove some fat,and look at the meat down where the two pieces "hinge".

See how it becomes more "loose".

After you cook it,lay the flat out and slice it all against the grain.See the difference,as you approach the hinge.

These are things to look for,even in a WW.

It will eat the same when you are done,but you will now start to learn what to look for. Wink
Well, back from the market. Learned a few things, one take a cooler, two I need one of those cheesy looking old women baskets with wheels. OMG, unbelievable meats. Bought a fresh 10 lb ham, slaughtered Thursday 1.49 Lb, tomorrows dinner. In fact all the pork they had was slaughtered Thursday. Freakin pig heads, whole pigs, pig everything. Veggies, fruits, you name it was there. Went to another meat store got a 17.5 Lb packer, prime, in cryovac, 2.19 Lb. Another store had packers, looked smaller, 1.98 LB. 30 ft long display case filled with spare ribs, lots of spare ribs, 3 to 4 feet high. Got some stuffed pork chops for dinner tonight. About 20 lb.s of bones for the dogs .50 LB. And I didn't go to every meat packing place. Costco, for pop and toilet paper, no more meat. I will post pics of the fresh ham later over in the ham section when I get it ready for the smoker.
Originally posted by cal:
5 hrs away? That would be a short drive if I could find some prime brisket. Good luck on the search today, like you I never know what I'm going to buy untill I see what they have. I never fail to find something to smoke in my cs020

Cal - You should check out Paradise Meats, which I believe is about 1.5 hours from where you're located. They don't sell prime brisket, or choice and select for that matter. Just Wagyu brisket @ $3.95 a pound.

A couple of years ago or so, I purchased several Wagyu briskets from Arrowhead Specialty Meats and they were phenomenal. While prime is great, Wagyu, when you can find it, is so much better.

At the time, Arrowhead was primarily a wholesale operation with a small retail business. They decided to get out of retail, and turned that area of the business over to Paradise. If it's not convenient, they also ship, though I don't know what the charges are.
One comment about wagyu briskets,is they are different,have a different mouth feel and can come done at lower temps.

It is fun to cook something different,but will we always be cooking it?

Will we be making super efforts to track down two levels of prime,CAB s,upper/better choice to eat around the house.

Better comp teams are trying to separate themselves by a percentage of a point,out of 180 possible points.

The Smokettes were designed
as brisket cookers and a lot is to be said to learn how to cook what we can find with our cookers.

Even our lesser meals in a CS,are usually, better than any place in town and amazing to our guests. Smiler

Most of us are going to be depending on some wallyworld packers ,and hopefully some Sam's Club choice.

I often post, to catch those cases with one day left to sell, at WW.Often $0.99/lb .

It is nice to be able to pick up marginal meat,locally and produce some good meals.

Buy and cook them.

There are a lot of ways to use leftover brisket.

Even in comps,someone will bring wagyu,and we'll try it.

We've been fortunate to cook with some of the best cooks in the country,and against many others and don't personally know of any of them using wagyu.We also don't know of anyone that has won with wagyu.

Just a couple of thoughts.

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