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Originally posted by Hozer:
Another AmQ not working....opened my Christmas present today, read the owner's manual, fired up the smoker to break it in, and after 90 minutes, the screen went blank and the control panel was completely unresponsive except for the on/off button. Anyone have suggestions? If not, guess I'll call CS monday to inquire....

So did you call CS, has it been resolved?
I got an AmQ for Xmas and had the same thing happen with the display during my break in period as well. When i called CS on Monday they shipped me a new display out and while I was installing i noticed a gasket around the perimeter of the display where it attaches to the smoker, which the first one did not have. After installing it, I fired up for another break in and all was well. I am attempting the first meat in the grill tonight, so i can let you know if this display can withstand the full 10-12 hour smoke.
I also had problems with my Sm25 and not coming up to temp. The control panel was faulty. It took a week to get sorted out with the thanksgiving holiday and them sending me a temp probe first, then the control panel after that failed. CS customer service was the main reason I bought from them over other similar less costing/quality smokers. I have used this countless times and absolutely love it.

I ended up sending both control modules back to CookShack for testing. One came up bad, but the other tested fine. They mailed back the one that tested fine +a new wire harness to try out.

The control module and wire harness were replaced, but still no dice. Similar problem as before.

I called up Tony and he scheduled a truck to pickup and return the smoker. Once the smoker was picked up, I received a e-mail confirming a replacement was on the way.


The new smoker arrived after an extended layover in Texas due to weather. I setup the smoker and set out to start the break-in procedure using a fatty pork shoulder. Temp set to 225* and probe to 190*. The smoker heated up to 224-225 and stayed steady. The next morning the smoker was still going. Operating as it should.

Today I thought I would see how a timed smoke worked out. I marinated some wings, set the temp to 225* and the time to 1:30. This time the temp was never really at 225*. Unfortunately I was not watching the whole time, but one hour into the smoke the temp was only 204-205. 1:15 it was 213-214. 5 minutes before the time was up it reached 229-230, dropping back to 225* at the very last minute.


What is the deal with this? Am I wrong to expect the smoker to reach it set temp fairly quickly and stay steady on it?

This may be blasphemes in the CookShack forum... but that $200 automatic electric smoker down at Lowes is starting to not look too bad for the price.... Especially considering how much the Amerique costs and all of the problems I have had.... Yes, I know cook shack has great customer service.... But honestly, I would rather have a 100% reliable product with crap customer service than a lemon with a friendly helpful voice on the end of the phone... I did not pay for the conversations. I paid for some precision smoking!
You know, given the 100's of successful smokers and posts here, it happens that someone can get the opposite.

No, you're not wrong. If you think the Electric masterbuilt will do better, call CS and ask for your money back. That's one thing masterbuilt and most other smokers don't have is a money back guarantee.

It works, as advertised. Turn it on, set it for 12 hours and monitor the temp each hour. What is it?

You said you didn't monitor it, was it on the low side of a cycle. did it never reach temp? There certainly could be other issues, but I'd certainly call CS and explain your displeasure.

here in the forum is venting, CS direct is where you need some action, whatever you prefer, get help or a refund.
lokmeup , I don’t think you’re being blasphemous. I have not had a lick of problems with my AmeriQue in the year I have had it, nor did I ever have an issue with my Smokette in the 7 years I had it.

I understand your frustration. You spent a lot of money for your AmeriQue as did many of us. I came from the other direction. I bought many a $200-$400 smoker before I bought my first Cookshack and I can tell you I would be money ahead if I would have just bought a Cookshack when I first thought about it.

You’re being naive if you think the $200 smokers are or can be trouble free, but don't take my word for it read their reviews on other forums. From what I am reading Masterbuilt customer service has improved 100% in the last year, but it still can’t hold a candle to Cookshack. And there are many modifications the customer needs to make their smokers right out of the box. Is that really what you want?

As Smokin said Cookshack comes with a money back guarantee. I am unaware of any other smoker on the market who has that guarantee. Why do you think that is? Let Tony know how frustrated you are with your smoker. I would be willing to bet he’d would refund your money or extend the money back guarantee until you are happy.

My advice, if you are open to it, would be to hang in there it will be worth it in the long run. Feel free to PM me. I’d be glad to discuss my personal experiences with you.
Unfortunately you’ve had a long road getting the bugs worked out of your AmeriQue. Now that you’re up and running with it I hope you feel it was worth the extra effort. I hope you invested your time reading the 101s and other great threads while visions of fine Q danced in your head. Now, before you go much further measure your waistline for future reference and get your camera ready so you can post a few pictures of your journey through your new addiction.

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