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For those who haven't tried it, I think the CS Spicy is great. I don't really like a spicy BBQ sauce but I don't find the CS Spicy to be very spicy at all.

I once made up a sauce of my own, starting from tomato paste and adding lots of ingredients which (unfortunately) my wife really likes. I'd rather stick to KISS and am now into 'enhancing' the CS spicey. I like the results.
I'll let Ribdog give his own reply,but he and I started out cooking on the road with drbbq,count him as a mentor,and still do some cooking with him.

He won't share the Bonesmoker's Big Time Rub recipe with us. Frowner

I'm guessing it is a version that Ray feels might be representative,to go with the rest of his overall technique.
The recipe for the Bonesmokers has never been released but the Big Tim BBQ Rub on his site is somewhat close. But the original Bonesmoker's is a good all-purpose rub. And I adjust it a little based on whether I put it on beef or pork.

I get my rub from but it only comes in ten lb. boxes. But since I usually go through 1-2 boxes a year, it works out fine for me.

Sorry, that is the best I can tell you.
Last edited by ribdog

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