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Im in...

I spent 4 years in the US Army and one of those was spent in Iraq. It is a really crappy place. I got out in 2006 so not too long ago. I can tell you that it made us very happy when we got care packages. I don't have any kids yet but I liked getting letters and drawings from the Kindergarden and younger classes. They always made me smile and laugh.

I can tell you this, as much as we liked getting home made stuff, we usually didn't eat the stuff from random people. Everyone was scared of having some anti-war person sending us "home made cookies/etc" that might have some bad stuff in it. Sealed stuff was always appreciated. It has to be able to withstand the heat. Just stuff to keep in mind.

Once again, here is Chaplin Bill's shipping address.....

Chaplain Wehlage
PO Box 500
APO, AE 09898

I'm gonna try to get a box in the mail around 9/24 and then if it works out well with the Chaplain, maybe we can do a Holiday shipment for the some of the troops.

Hey Chaplain, I'm assuming you are talking about "Dry Creamer"?

I would encourage everyone to Internal Message the Chaplain when your box has been sent, that way he can sorta make sure the shipments are being received.

Thanks everyone, God Bless our courageous Men and Women!
cal, you asked the same question I was pondering, but didnt want to ask at the risk of sounding silly..."of course he means dry creamer" was what was going thru my head when I read his comment, liquid would be silly I thought to myself.

Learned my lesson NO QUESTION IS TOO SILLY!

I plan on buying some powdered creamer to include with the jerky.

BBQnCali, I am hoping since Chaplain know the stuff is coming from a trusted source there wont be any problems with the food. But yes, I often wondered that they could only trust home made food from a certain source. Good to know!

Originally posted by Vicki:
cal, you asked the same question I was pondering, but didnt want to ask at the risk of sounding silly..."of course he means dry creamer" was what was going thru my head when I read his comment, liquid would be silly I thought to myself.

You're too kind with your thoughts Vicki, my 1st instinct was to tell the Chaplain, what's wrong with black coffee?....LOL!

@2nd Hand Smoke, Pags is pretty sharp on making Jerky in the electric smokers. I would make sure that you use a little TenderQuick, since it is being shipped to a hot area.

I will vacuum seal mine in small amounts, I use High Mountain jerky kits...just follow instructions very close.
2nd hand, I echo cal, I use Hi mtn seasonings all the time. They hqve the.cure in it already. The instructions need to be followed exactly, except I use the Qdogg method of smoking the meat. Works out perfectly for me every time. The one time I tried my own spice blend I.wasnt to happy, although I need to try my own concoction again.I am heading to rest. depot soon to pick up 10 or so lbs of London Broil. I find it is less waste and the perfect height for slicing for me.Comes out with a nice meat flavor. I have not tried any other cuts. I just like the way the london hangs on my jerky rods in the smoker.
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Any good threads to favorite jerky recipes? I have never made it in the smoker so any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated? I have always used sirloin or round to make it. It would probably be best in food savor bags?

Be careful, if you get into this, you will find you have friends coming out of the woodwork! And, you will never be able to eat store bought jerky again.
A few notes I've learned along the way:
1. You can make jerky without the cure but you won't feel comfortable sharing it with others for fear of them getting sick. Use the cure.
2. Cabelas has a great manual jerky slicer that I got on sale for $99 with free shipping. If it saves you one set of stitches it will have paid for itself. I also use it to cut flank steak to marinate and grill Vietmaniese style
3. After trying many cuts, Flank steak cut ACROSS the grain is the best.
4. Cut off ALL fat prior to smoking.
5. Smoke at 160 degrees for 5 to 6 hours (higher temps are cooking and dry the meat out too much).
6. When you take the meat out, place on paper towels to get the grease off as it turns white when dry and looks bad.
7. Get dental floss, you will need it!
8. A food sealer ($130 @ Sam's more and probably better elsewhere) is nice for gifting.
Hope this helps.
Originally posted by 2nd Hand Smoke:
Any good threads to favorite jerky recipes? I have never made it in the smoker so any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated? I have always used sirloin or round to make it. It would probably be best in food savor bags?

As few more thoughts:
1.My yeild is 2:1 (10 pounds of meat = 5 pounds jerky).
2.I mix my seasoning and cure with water and then coat the meat in a large bowl prior to Ziploc in fridge for 24 hours. I get more even coating and deeper penetration this way with trade off being longer dry time.
3.If you like it long and stringy, cut with the grain.
4.In my FEC100 I use two full pan grates ($6 at local supply)/shelf and lay the meat flat. The grates fit in the dishwasher speeding cleanup.

Just got back from the post office. Six pounds of smoked almonds are on their way to you.

Here's a tip for those sending packages to have to fil out a customs form, and the PO offers a $2 discount on the large size flat rate box when shipping to an APO address. That means you can ship a large box for the price of a medium box.

I PMed the good Chaplain about the difference between Priority Mail and regular Parcel Post. I'm looking at a 20# box that is 15x14x14. PM=$40, PP=$20.
He says once it hits the military PO, it's all the same. "Save Your Money. Don't need the fancy titles."
Now if I can just get my raw peanuts in, I'll be good to go. Seems like they're only available around Christmas. Oh well, got 5# coming. Should make a bunch of brittle.
Just a thought, but now we have a thread of what we are sending? That way the Chaplain won't end up with a 53' camel load of creamer. Smiler
Sorry Chaplain!!!
What are you sending?
Last edited by Former Member

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