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I was "nominated" to cook the briskets for the church's fourth of July BBQ. I will be using two smokettes to do it. I have to cook 12 untrimmed flats (6-7 lbs. each). I think I can do it by cooking three at a time the day before the BBQ for about six hours each. Any advice especially since I am still a novice. The intent is to slice them and serve them on sandwiches. I figure to cook them and then wrap them whole and then reheat and slice on the fourth.
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Dave, I think you are on the right track. I have done exactly that, only a time or two though. I would suggest going to 185-190* on the finished temp. IF you are going to slice. I do remove the fat cap when they come out of the CS.while it is hot, THEN foil. I wish I had a commercial slicer....make REAL thin and pile it high. IF you have a good BBQ cookbook, make a fun sauce to serve on the side. I have found people like something new and NOT store bought. Good luck!!!!
David A
1. Have you ever cooked a flat? If not, practice one for flavor and finishing temp. Do you have a rub & sauce in mind?

2. Do all but 2 or 3 of them ahead. Like David said, you can take the fat off. Me, I'd leave it on and foil if I'm going to reheat them cold. If I'm going to slice them cold, go ahead and take the cap off. Then chill and store in the fridge.

3. The day of the event, I'd slice everything ahead of time (could even do early, but it will dry out if you don't seal it well), add some beef stock and put it in the oven to warm. Cutting 12 briskets is a LOT of work and a slicer on cold brisket will save time.

The remaining 2 or 3 can be cooked that day.
Smokin - The only brisket I have previously smoked were packer cuts. Believe me, I am nervous about the prospect of doing the flats but I figure if worse comes to worst, we will chop the meat and serve it that way. My plan is to cut them warm on the day of the BBQ. I am going to cook a flat next week and will take careful note of the time it takes. I also like the idea of moistening with the beef stock or broth.
One of my compatriots is doing the sauce. He is a former Houston BBQ restauarant owner and got me interested in smoking. Unfortunately, he had a stroke on Easter and can't physically do the cooking of the meat.
We are also doing chicken. I am going to start smoking chicken thighs this weekend and then freeze them. Will use the CS chicken rub on them and smoke them for about an hour and three quarters. After defrosting, we will warm them on the grill and crips the skin.

I saw your post. I'm not sure about the 170. I've never done a brisket that low. For slicing I do 190. I want my brisket to tug apart easily. 170 to me gives me more of a Roast Beef slice, than a brisket. I want it tender. 195 and more will make it fall apart (and I have to slice it in like 1/2" slices to keep it together)

But that's just me.
Not knowing if you have select,choice,or CAB s,I'd think about foiling them with 1/2 cup stock at about 165�

We find that it takes more than an hr/lb to tender flats.

You can buy the good electric knife ,that many teams,vendors,caterers use for about $25 from Walmart,Target,etc.

Be careful about the salt in your beef stock.

You can cut it with apple juice,coffee,etc.

5%-10% sweet red sauce can't hurt it.

Seal with plastic and foil and reheat in them.

I'd still cook it ,until a probe pushes easily through it.

If it is tough,you need to slice it mighty thin to eat on white buns.

I'd rather have it tender,than risk needing a knife and fork.

Just my $0.02
The logic works better on a thin pork or beef cut.

Yes, you can salt before serving.

I still like a little salt when cooking.

The method I gave you above,works pretty well at caters and vending.

Minimal labor, and you can even boost the liquid to a cup.

This will give you plenty of stock to defat and add back in,when you rewarm.

Like Smokin'says,"cook one and see".

Hope this helps a little.
I did all 12 flats and they turned out great. They took about 8 hours (3 at a time) to reach 195 degrees. I pulled them and put them in foil. I reheated the next day foiled but without adding liquid. Served them with sauce on sandwiches. I rubbed all of them with paprika, garlic powder, salt and black pepper. Used 6 ounces of hickory and 2 of apple for each smoke. I served about 150 sandwiches and had almost 3 flats left over (also served them 130 smoked chicken thighs). People bought the three flats (for a donation to the church).

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