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so i used 3 oz of hickory and 3 oz of mes wood. This 15.6 lb brisket went into the smoker at 6:45pm Friday night at 190* at 8am saturday bumpted the temp up to 230* and was done at 3:30pm Saturday.

This brisket was bought from Wal-Mart and i trimmed a good bit of fat off the top (onlly the fat that was very thich and tough, as smokin in his 101 vid says that type of fat will not break down very much). I'm glad i did not inject this brisket as there was so much fat inside the meat that this brisket was sooooo moist! I think i may have cooked it a little to much as it was hard to slice pencil thin... Had to slice almost 1/2 inch thick... Any thinner than that and it just fell apart and turned into 'chopped' brisket. That didn't bother me or my family either... We ate so much of brisket sat evening, we almost got sick! LOL i think i'm starting to like brisket even more than pulled pork.

i love the KISS method on briskets more and more... just trim fat and coat with CS brisket rub and tuck it into the smoker for the night.

this was my third samich and i decided to try the cattlemen's KC classic. oh, and some red pepper flakes to add a little heat.

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Nice job! I guess we told you that these smokers were invented for brisket cooking?

A trick that you can use for over cooked brisket to slice them, is instead of cutting perpendicular to the grain of the brisket, cut them at a 45* angle. It will help hold them together, unless they are just WAY over cooked.

Most new cooks will never get a brisket that tender, best to error on the side of tenderness thou,IMO.
Thanks Guys... It was very good and yes very moist!

As you can see from the samich above, i was able to get some slices (15 at most) and i think they were from the 'flat'... Most of the point just wanted to be chopped.

Have you ever tried to cut fresh homemade bread that just came out of the oven and hasn't cooled yet? That's what the point was like when i was trying to slice it... oh and i FTC this hunk of meat for 2 hours.

Pags - to tell you the truth, even if it was the worst cut of beef, i don't care, i'll go back and buy the other 4 they had in the bin and freeze them all for a cold snowy day in December! LOL

Cal - thanks, i had never heard of cutting at the 45* angle... now that i've done two briskets and i think i'm getting good at it and now i know what the flat and the point are, i might try smokin's burnt ends next time!!!

tigerfan - i love the KISS method and my CS... it's so easy, just prepare the product and put it to bed in the smoker and i'm off doing chores around the house... When this brisket was smoking, i was able to run to the lumber mill to get some wood for my dad, ran to lowes to pick up doors for my dad, washed my pickup, washed my dad's car, got all my hunting equiptment ready, organized my 10x12 shed for winter, and a few other odds and ends around the house finished... After a long day of working, this brisket was the perfect ending... My father and mother agreed too! Smiler

oh and that mac salad is my mom's homemade recipe! it was just as good as the brisket samich!

Thanks guys for the help! Pags, Cal, Tom, Smokin!!!!
Thanks Smokin!

I will def try the burnt ends! Smiler

i now see what you mean about the "eye" of fat. I will make a note in my 'notes' to remove that next time.

I hate to open the door on my CS until it's almost done (going by internal temp here)... When the brisket was at 185* i opened the door for the first time and used a digital thermo to check internal temp to make sure my other two polders were reading correct, plus used this as a 'toothpick' test too. I thought it was a little to tough. I closed the door and went off doing some other yard work.. Checked back in and the polders were reading 191*. (just noticed that in my second picture above, you can see the 191* on the black digital polder) that's when i FTC it. When i look back, i'm guessing i should have FTC when i checked it the first time, as i'm assuming i would have gotten some carry over during the FTC which would have 'finished' the brisket 'just right'...
Yours looked great! I just finished an awesome packers cut brisket from my local butcher as well, phot included. I marinated overnight, used a good commercial rub, smoked w/hickory @225F for about 5 hrs until 150, then wrapped with parchment & then aluminum foil, back in the CS045 for another 5 hrs, out at 195. Unbelieveably moist and tender! A big hit with the fam.


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Really was juicy! When I wrapped in foil for the TX Crutch was to add a 1/2 cup of my marinade(1 cup red wine vinegar, .5 cup EVO, 1/4 cup worcestershire sauce, 11/4 cup brown sugar, 4 cloves crushed garlic, 2 tblsp paprika, 1 tblsp kosher salt, 2 tsp black pepper). The rest of the cook produced more moisture, but I use all the juices to ladle over the cut slices.

Originally posted by Duck_Commander:
how many lbs was that brisket ADLK?

looks like you had a lot of juices!!! That brisket looks like it is a ball moisture! Smiler
The best brisket that I have found comes from my local butcher and its the most flavorful
and juiciest piece of meat bar none and personally have financed her business expansion.
Shes very knowledgeable and helps me through the purchases of meats and she also does a lot of
her own smoking however she is not perfect as she uses a different brand smoker but I am working on that.
Duck Commander are you a duck hunter as your handle implies? If so I am curious as how your season is going.
Thx Felipe

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