I am getting ready to try my first competition in mid July and was hoping some of you folks can help me with a few basic questions:
1. When does the meat inspection generally occur? The competition I am going to do has check in starting Fri evening with a peoples choice ribs event Sat and then the KCBS judging on Sunday.
2. Since I need to get there Fri or early Sat do you typically just keep the meats in a cooler with ice to keep below 40 until cook time?
3. Is there typically enough time between inspection and when you need to get the larger cuts in the smoker to do an brining? Just trying to make sure I set up my practice runs to be realistic to the timing I will have on site.
4. Any general advise for the newbee?
I have read through a bunch of the forum and have gotten some great info. Any additional help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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