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Hi, I just finished my first pork butts. I put two in, 1 about 8#s and the other around 6#s. I cooked to temp of 185 and let rest until it came up to 190. The lower one (smaller one, should have reversed this I think) was done first and when I started to pull, the middle was quite dry. The second one was done about two hours later and it was much better but still more dry than I thought. It also seemed to pull easier. I didn't sprayed with anything as I know some of you do...just wanted to see what it's liked on a straight smoke-cook for the 1st time. Any suggestions
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I figured I would put up my experience since I am new to Cookshacks too, and had never cooked a butt until about three weeks ago.

Today I cooked my 2nd and 3rd butts. I dry rubbed all three butts and covered with mayo as suggested by some people in this forum. The 1st butt was cooked to 190� and the two today went to 200�. They were all foiled and placed in a cooler for two hours before pulling. All three pulled really easy and there was no meat I would consider "dry". My neighbor laughed today while asking if the butts always fall apart. The three butts I cooked were 7 lbs. or less.
Rick I usually don't put anything on my butts but rub. I cook to about 200 or the bone wiggles easily. You can also feel the meat with your fingers and see how done it is. After a few cooks you will learn to "feel" done. Let it rest a few minutes and dive in. I have never had a butt to dry out yet.
How many times did you open the door and how long did you let it cook? Some how I think your meat wasn't done unless it was jerky dry. Maybe bad meat?
Crispy, I bet that mayo makes a real mess.
I tried this variation once and have stuck to it ever since.
The night before I smoke-a-butt, I strain a small bottle of Italian dressing through a sieve and inject the butt with this liquid at several locations. The morning of the cook I season with my rub and smoke in 225f w/hickory for between 1-1&1/2 hours /lb. Then I put it in a foil pan, cover w/foil and let rest for 30 minutes. Consistently outstanding.

A guaranteed method is to inject Smokin's cider based mopping sauce before smoking. I do this just before applying a rub and cooking, even stopped letting it sit in the refrigerator overnight as I cannot tell any difference. Bring it to an internal temp of 195-200 degrees, double foil, wrap in newspaper for at least one hour, then pull. While pulling sprinkle with some rub and add a little more or the mopping sauce, you are going to love it.

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