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I think you will be good to go for your first time. Then you can adjust your wood. I am up to 10oz now and removing the fat cap to get it even more smokey.

Are you doing bone in or bone out? Bone out is about 1.5 hours/lb and bone is usually about 2 hours/lb. I always go to 195, double foil and into the cooler for 1-2 hours before pulling.
You might want to go with less than 6 oz. If you haven't used it much to know exactly how much wood you need, start with less not more.

I don't mop normally. All it will do is add flavor to the outside, won't make the inside any more moist.

If it's your first time, start it earlier, FTC if needed (PB's will hold) and if you're close on time, don't hesitate to bump up the temp to finish them off.
Last edited by Former Member
If it's your first time, start it earlier

If I start it ealier then 7 or 8pm I run the (slight) risk of having it done around 3 or 4 am which I hope to be asleep at that pointSmiler I heard that it will take anywhere between 1.25 and 2 hour per pound so that's 10 to 16 hours for an 8 lb butt (I have two but it shouldn't change that ?). If I put it in @225 around 7pm and check at 5:00am and bump the temp at that point It might work.... next party will be later in the day to ease the scheduling issues.
Last edited by dba1954
i'm no expert by any means, but i've read enough threads on here to know that everyone's smoker cooks different.

However, when i did my 8 pounder in my SM025, i put it in at 9:30pm at 190* then at 12:30'ish i bumped the temp up to 205*. At 6:30am i bumped it up to 235* and went to church at 10:30am. At 11:30am i bumped the temp up to 250*.

The PB had an internal temp of 195* at 1:00pm.

That breaks down to 15.5 or almost 2 hrs/lbs.

I'm assuming it wouldn't have taken that long if i didn't do a 4 stage smoke. But it was my first smoke and i wanted to baby it though.

Not sure if that helps at all.
Put the pair of butts in at 7:00pm at 225f last night, at 5:00am this morning they were at 172f so they're looking good. I gave it a slight bump to 235f, want to be able to FTC around 10:00. Appreciate the help for my first time. It's hard to resist the temptation of opening to look at them (smells so damn good), I'll just have to wait a few hours . ..

I'm thinking not to check on it until it hits 195f ?
Last edited by dba1954
Sounds like a solid plan. The Pbs are now out of the plateau and will start rising a little faster in temp.

When you open the door at 195, use your probe to check for doneness by sliding it into the PB. It should slide in with very little resistance.

I'm sure it is starting to smell like heaven at your house.
It was very moist on the parts that where tied up better. One of them actually broke apart trying to get it off of the rack. just the parts that were not tied in tight got way overdone. I probably should have taken it out sooner. There was still enough very moist pork to go around even with the waste. Everyone loved it and a friend is actually going to buy a cookshack smoker after seeing mine !
Last edited by dba1954

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