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sorry for the newbie question. i am smoking my 1st butt this weekend. i bought a 2 pack that came in at just under 12 pounds - biggest i could find. however, i noticed after i got home that one is MUCH bigger than the other - i would guess 7.5 pounds vs 4.5 pounds. i would like to do them both at the same time. my question is how to plan my smoke. i did search the old posts, and i fully embrace the 'when it's done, it's done' concept. i also get that the cook time can be variable and not predictable. i'm ok with all of those things. i have a temp probe for each and will pull at the correct temp. my question is if i should expect both of them to be done at about the same time or will it be potentially very different. my plan was to start them in the evening, but if the smaller one could be done significantly quicker, then i would start later this evening so it doesn't get done in the middle of the night. i guess i was hoping that someone who had done this before could comment about their experience.

thanks in advance!!
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My experience has been around 2 hours per pound at 230 degrees; starting cold. I have cooked separate weights as you note and have pulled the smaller PB when it comes to temp. Recently I did a couple for my sis at around 6.5# and 3.5#; these I just trussed together and cooked as one and it turned out fine as well.
No worries, newbie questions are fine Big Grin

If they're 3 pds different they won't finish together. Maybe a pd difference usually does.

If you're not worried about it, start them together, but the smaller one will be done sooner, and you can start eating on that one while the other finishes.

That why when I look in the pack, I try to look for the "split" between the two and try to get it in the middle. I've seen some where it's like a 2/3 to 1/3 split. Avoid those.
That why when I look in the pack, I try to look for the "split" between the two and try to get it in the middle. I've seen some where it's like a 2/3 to 1/3 split. Avoid those.

great advice and lesson learned. thanks!!

i'm only cooking for the 5 of us. i realize this is way more food than we will eat, but the leftovers will be nice to have, and you never know who or how many will show up when you're cookin' Q. maybe one will be done for lunch and the other for dinner!?!?!?

thanks again to all for the advice. i hope some day to have a fraction of the skills and knowledge that all of you bring to the forum!! Smiler
an update - the smaller one was finished (196 degrees F) at 10 hours (just over 2 hours/pound) with cooker set at 225. The larger one was done at 14 hours (198 degrees F, between 1.5 and 2 hours/pound), though i bumped up the temp to 235 after the smaller one was taken out. i wrapped the smaller one in foil and put it in the oven at 195 until the larger one was done. when the larger one was done, it was also wrapped in foil, and both were taken out and rested for 30 min, then shredded.

WOW!!!! fantastic!! i also made some of Smokin Okie's finishing sauce. all I can say is 'you the MAN!!' that is some gooooood stuff!!

thanks to all of you at the forum who made this a successful smoke!!!!! Big Grin

the ribs i did yesterday were the best I've ever had!! I've only owned my SMO20 for 2 weeks!! I can't imagine how much better it's gonna' get!

i LOVE my Cookshack. if you are thinking of buying one, stop thinking and do it!!

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