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Fired up my new SM020 on father's day with 2 picnics (wanted to do butts first but that's what happens when someone else does the shopping).

- 2 picnics weighing 9 lbs each
- trimmed fat off both but pulled skin back on one while completely removing skin on other
- yellow mustard on both and rubbed one with CS Rib Rub and the other with Meathead's Magic Dust. let sit for ~5 hours
- placed the one with skin on top rack with polder in the thickest part and the skinless on lower rack
- set CS to 225 with 4 oz/2 chunks of hickory. weather has been horrible in new york so rigged a beach umbrella to cover the CS during the overnight cook
- pulled after 17 hours when meat temp hit 190. the bone in the skinless was looser than the one with skin but that may be because of the lower rack position
- wrapped in foil covered with towels in cooler for another hour

The skinless picnic on the lower rack fell apart while the other held together but was still tender. Pulled both apart with forks and served with Smokin Okie's 2 sauces. Rounded out the meal with some ABTs, slaw and cornbread.

Meat was very good, although a bit too lean but I imagine that's the advantage of a butt over a picnic. Honestly could not tell the difference between the 2 even though they were on separate racks with different rubs and with/without skin.

Thanks to everyone for the info. Next on the agenda: ribs!
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