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You can go ahead and add the ribs. You didn't say what kind: spares, B-backs, beef or pork. Spares will take a good 5 hours. Check the B-backs at about the 3 1/2-4 hour mark.

Seeing as you are putting the ribs on later in the smoke you may want to consider tossing in an oz or 2 of wood if the wood you used for the butt is already burned. You will loose a little cooking time each time you open the door.

Now, what the heck is the sis-in-law doing running the show anyway...? Put er outside with the mutts were she belngs! Big Grin KIDDING Sis!
I want to know why the sis is running the show too. I will get to the bottom of it. I am going to start the butt tonight about 10ish. I am banking on 1.25 to 1.5 hours per pound. I will use my trusty Taylor. The ribs are pork baby back. I am going to use about 4 oz. of the apple wood that came with my smoker to start off with on the butt. I guess I will add one more chuck of apple (2 oz. approx) when I add the ribs. O. Smokin. I made your apple juice based sause per your instructions in 101 and it is great. I actually canned a couple of jars of it. I will post pics and results of my first butt. If you guys think I need to change anything let me know. T-Minus 9.5 hours until the Butt goes-in. Thanks Guys.
LOL Neighbor! Wantin' to start a feud are ya...? Confused

GLH is correct. Remove the butt, add more wood, toss in the ribs and close the door. Double foil the butt and put it in a cooler to rest. In about three hours start working on the butt (pull and separate fat). Ribs will be nearly finished when you are done adding Smokin's sauce.

Looking forward to results & pics, especially the one of you tossing the sis-in-law off the back porch! Big Grin
Derek - Sounds like your SIL is closely related to mine.

If there is one thing that will make me nuts, it's a person, when invited to your house for dinner, that places an order for something other than what you are intending to prepare.

A couple of years ago, while intending to smoke a ham, my SIL told my wife that she preferred chicken. Towards dinner time, I removed the ham from the smoker and foiled it to rest awhile. My SIL noticed and said "Oh, I really wanted chicken". I responded "And that's exactly what you're going to get" as I put a box of KFC's finest in the microwave to warm.

She's been fine since.

Find some pre-cooked ribs at your local grocery and do the same or go with the recs from GLH and Wheelz. That'll will work fine. Also, keep an abundant supply of adult beverages on hand. That helps a lot in situations like this.
Last edited by dls
The smoke was AWESOME!!! My first butt was a huge success. It took closer to two hours per pound. I love this smoker. Doing a brisket tomarrow. I posted pics of my first butt before I put it in. The post is in this forum somewhere. Title: Butt, Its Already In Baby. I forgot to take pics of when I took it out. I only did the butt, no ribs. Sis was happy too. But who cares about her. The butt had a real nice bark, I foiled it, wrapped a towel around it and put it in a cooler. 3 hours later it was still hot. Thanks for the tip. Well. Back to smokin. I will post the results of the brisket. Thanks again everyone. Ya'll have been a huge help.

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